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  Summer Institute

The geospatial summer institute is an intensive five day workshop in which teachers from around Montana are immersed in geospatial technologies and explore regional geospatial datasets being used by practicing scientists from the University of Montana and/or a regional government office. 

Below is a list of the research scientists who presented at the 2006  and 2007 summer institutes and their area of expertise:

     Research Scientist                                                                     Spatial Data______

1) Dick Hutto, Avian Science Center                                          Avian Distribution Patterns

2) Jim Barber, USDA Forest Service                                         Landscape Vegetation

3) Faith Ann Heinsch, NTSG                                                      Global Climate Change

4) Rachel Loehman, NTSG                                                        Disease Ecology

5) Bill Granath, UM                                                                        Microbiology

6) Niels Maumenee, UM Flathead Biological Station            Salmon Habitat Modeling

7) Bob Rumney, MT rancher                                                       Precision Agriculture

Each afternoon, GTEC teachers explore spatial data sets shared by the practicing scientists and look for connections to their curriculum. Learning communities comprised of project team leaders and teachers then create developmentally appropriate spatial data sets and curriculum that are aligned with state and national science standards.  These curriculum modules are then implemented into participating teachers’ classrooms.