Teacher Resources : Wiki - Active Page Tools

 The following functions apply only to the active page.

Share this page

1. Click the Share this page link on the right side of the active page.
2. Select recipients and add a message.
3. Press the Share button.

4. An email containing the page link is sent to the recipient.

Note: The share icon also appears on folders and files.

Move the page to a different folder

1. Click on the Put this page in a different folder link.
2. Choose a folder from the drop down list.

Add tags to the active page

Tags are keywords used to search for different types of content. To add tags to a page:
1. Click on the Add Tags link.
2. Enter tag words. Tags like “video” and “balloon” enable your wiki search engine to find pages that contain that content, but don’t have those words in the title, page, or file.
3. Press the OK button.

Control access to a page

This feature is not available in the PBworks free version.

Copy this page

1. Click the Copy this page link.
2. Rename the page.
3. Press the Copy button.